We encourage homeschool co-op programs to use Guest Hollow materials and curriculum. In fact, we are happy to support co-ops by offering the Guest Hollow Co-Op Discount Program, which we make available on a limited basis.
If you have a bona fide co-op we do offer a co-op discount. Obtaining our co-op discount is relatively easy…
We ask that the leader of the co-op write to us at guesthollow@memorableplaces.com (or fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page) to tell us about your co-op and to request the Guest Hollow co-op discount.
We would like the following information:
- Name of your co-op
- Number of families participating in your co-op
- Number of individual students who will use the Guest Hollow curriculum
- Name(s) of the Guest Hollow Curriculum your co-op intends to use
- Name and email address of the person in charge of teaching each specific Guest Hollow Curriculum in your co-op
We will review your request and make a decision on accepting your co-op into the Guest Hollow Co-Op Discount Program on a case-by-case basis. (Please note our decisions are final and at our complete discretion. We offer a limited number of co-op discounts, and we may discontinue this program at any time and for any reason, with or without notice.)
If we decide to accept your co-op into the Guest Hollow Co-Op Discount Program we will send a discount coupon code to the co-op teacher for each specific curriculum. This will allow the teacher of that curriculum to provide it to her student’s parents on an individual basis. The codes may not be shared outside of the co-op.
As with all of our other customers, and in keeping with our license policies and copyright, each family participating in the co-op MUST purchase a copy of the specific Guest Hollow curriculum for their own kiddos before participating in the co-op lessons featuring Guest Hollow.
Each family participating MUST purchase the curriculum directly from the Guest Hollow website so that each participant family has their own account, access to their own downloads, and their own specific membership available directly to them personally – just as if they were a ‘regular’ Guest Hollow customer. This makes things much easier on parents and co-op staff or teachers. It also makes the logistics of distribution and tracking much easier for us.
Just as with a regular curriculum purchase at Guest Hollow, children in the same household may also use the same curriculum even if the other students in the household are not members of the co-op. (That is to say if, for example, Mom purchases Chemistry In The Kitchen for her household with the co-op discount she may also print out additional copies for her other children to use whether they are in the co-op or not.) Curriculum/copies may NOT be shared in between co-op members not living in the same household or others as per our regular license agreement.
So that’s it! Pretty simple stuff!
If you have any other questions on co-ops and Guest Hollow, please do let us know!