Are you ready to learn world history?
Get ready to learn about world history in this absolutely FREE book! Why are we offering a free book? Have a look at our About Us page, and you’ll get a sense of who we are and why we care about homeschoolers like we do. Having said that, please consider using Guest Hollow, LLC as your source for other curriculums and materials. Despite being a tiny mom-and-pop, our company has a lot to offer, and it’s growing all the time. Please explore our site as well as our social media presence and let us know what you think!
This FREE book is designed to be used with Guest Hollow’s Whirlwind World History Curriculum, but anyone is free to use it. ***IMPORTANT*** This book is but one of MANY books called for in the curriculum. It is not in and of itself enough to teach this subject. It should be used with the curriculum. It is NOT a curriculum on its own and should not be thought of as such.
Reading tip: When reading the online textbook, you can click on some of the images to see them larger. This may be useful when you want to see the details on maps! Also, don’t forget that most browsers will allow you to increase the font size of the page you are reading (if that’s something you need to make the reading more comfortable). 🙂
Welcome to the Whirlwind World History online textbook! We used the word “whirlwind” because there is a LOT of material to cover, and we’re going to whip through it at a quick pace in Guest Hollow’s Whirlwind World History Curriculum! Think of this as an “overview” of world events – a year-long trip through thousands of years across the globe.

Note: Individual pages are listed in bold. Titles with a star are sections on a single page. Topics are listed for easier reference.
Video tip: You can change the speed of YouTube videos. You can click settings on the YouTube video player and pick a faster playback speed up to 2x the speed. I watched a lot of the longer informational videos at this speed with no loss in understanding or retention. You may want to try it as well if you are short on time and if you can process the audio at a faster speed. 😉
- Ancient Civilizations and the Rise of Empires (Prehistory to 500 CE)
- Agriculture Brings About Civilizations
- The Fertile Crescent: Mesopotamia
- Ancient Egypt
- Ancient India
- Persia and the Greek Wars
- Classical Greece (480 BCE to 338 BCE)
- The Hellenistic Age
- The Maurya Empire of India (322 BCE – 184 BCE)
- The Celts
- Rome
- The Roman Empire (began in 27 BCE)
- The Han Dynasty in China (202 BCE – 220 CE)
- ⋆ The Empire Ends
- The Late Empire and Christianity
- The Indian Subcontinent
- The Medieval World (400 -1450)
- The Americas
- ⋆ Maya
- Byzantium
- The Origins of Russia
- Islam and The Caliphates
- Early Medieval Europe (500 to 1000)
- Africa in the Middle Ages
- Asia in the Middle Ages
- ⋆ China
- ⋆ Japan
- The Early Modern World (1420-1700s)
- Early Modern Europe
- ☆ Art and Artists
- ⋆ Politics: The Emergence of Strong States
- ⋆ War and the Gunpowder Revolution
- ⋆ Financial Revolution
- ⋆ The New Kingdoms
- ☆ Spain
- The Ottoman Empire and Safavid Persia
- Exploration and Conquest
- Reformations
- Religious Wars
- Early Modern Asia
- Absolutism
- Trade Empires
- The Scientific Revolution
- The Enlightenment
- The Age of Revolutions (Mid 1700’s-1800’s)
- The Society of Orders
- The French Revolution (1789 – 1799)
- Napoleon (Emperor: 1804-1814, March-April 1815)
- The Industrial Revolution (approx. 1760 – 1830)
- Political Ideologies and Movements
- The Politics of the Nineteenth Century
- Culture, Science, and Pseudo-Science
- Australia
- Wars, Threats, and Rebellions
- Imperialism (1870-1914)
- The Modern World (1914 to the present)
- World War 1
- The Early Twentieth Century
- Fascism
- World War II
- The Soviet Union and the Cold War
- Postwar Conflict
- Independence Movements and Decolonization
- Postwar Society
- Toward the Present
will the curriculum be for elementary, middle school or highschool?
It’s going to be for high school, possibly adaptable for middle school (although I haven’t decided 100% about that yet). 🙂
This is wonderful!
Any update on a release date?
We are doing your Geography program and this qould flow perfectly for 10th grade.
Thank you so much for the compliment! 🙂 I’m not making any promises, but I’m hoping it will be ready early next year (2022). Life has a way of throwing surprises our way, though, so I DON’T have a release date…but the schedule is finished. I’m just creating the workbook now!
We are so enjoying Whirlwind History (planning on purchasing more GH). I was wondering if we decided to use this for 9th and 10th grade…. where should we stop?
I’m so glad you are enjoying the curriculum! Week 18 is halfway through, so you could stop there if you want to spread it out over 2 years. 🙂 You may want to ask your question in our FB geography group. I know some of the group members have split it into 2 years, so you could see how they did it:
Hi there. I am looking into purchasing your curriculum for 7th and 8th grade – I am wondering if you have any helpful tips to modify it down. You cover what is needed for the middle school requirements but there are some chunks I will not need to introduce. Do you know if other buyers have been able to cover world history in one year with this curriculum? I rotate my year A (american history/civics) and year B (world history). Thank you!
Yes, Whirlwind is designed to be used over 36 weeks – lots of customers have used it over one year with no issues. 🙂 As for paring it down, when you make the purchase, you get a booklist that ranks the books in order of importance. That can help you cull some books. Also, we design our curricula to be really flexible, so if there is something you don’t need to cover, you can easily pull it out. We provide a Microsoft Word document version of the schedule that you can change to suit your needs/wants. 🙂 You can think of the curriculum schedule like a buffet and pick-and-choose what works best for your student(s). If you have any other questions, we are always just an email away!