Guest Hollow, LLC is deeply devoted to helping homeschoolers. We do this through creating truly unique curriculums, engaging our customers, and providing, as best we can, truly outstanding customer support. That is our business and it pays our bills.
Though we try as hard as we can to keep Guest Hollow’s prices as low as possible, we do recognize that there are a few circumstances where even our sales prices may be too much for some families to bear at certain junctures in their lives.
We too have to endure seasons where our budget is tight and we know exactly what it is like. So, we want to help in a meaningful way where we can. It is our belief that life is more than just money.
To that end we have a couple of suggestions and a limited program to help those who truly need it.
First, we have a few suggestions for those who may be having financial hardships. Please consider reviewing the following opinion piece that we wrote a couple of years back to help those who might be in need of some money saving ideas.
Frugal Homeschooling – How to Homeschool for FREE or on the Cheap
Another page you really should consider reading is linked below. It may provide some important information that will help you when finding the books that you need to do literature based curriculum and in particular any offered by Guest Hollow as we DO NOT provide books with our curriculums.
How to Save Money When Using a Literature Based Curriculum
Setting yourself up for future financial success is also important. We have positive opinions about the books that we have read on this subject from Dave Ramsey, and we have listened to his radio show on many occasions. You may want to see if his suggestions make sense to you. His website is here:
Homeschool Freebies
We have a lot of free items that we make available to everyone. Please take a few minute to peruse our ‘freebies’ page.
There you will see that we offer:
We make these items available to any visitor. ❤
In addition, we have a special program of our own for those in severe need. Read on:
How We May Be Able to Help – Limited Guest Hollow Grants
In addition to the above ideas, Guest Hollow, LLC may be able to provide some limited tangible support to you if all else fails via our limited product donation program.
We have a unique and specifically limited program to help some of those who are in severe financial positions. If you are such a family and are dealing with a severe financial hardship, please contact us. We don’t want any homeschooler to go completely without when their families are suffering through difficult times. Each year we donate a limited number of our products to those in need who really want to use Guest Hollow products for their homeschoolers.
How does this work?
If you are truly in need send us a summary of your situation via e-mail. We just need couple of paragraphs that will give us a good sense of your situation. We DO NOT want you disclose anything highly private, sensitive, controversial, or that would give us anyone’s personally identifying information, we just want to get a sense of what you are going through so as to make our best decision.
We select those to receive these free donations on a case-by-case basis, and we have a limited number that we can give away during any given period.
We ask a few things from those who apply for these donations:
- You must ask for a SPECIFIC curriculum or item from our store. Only you know your situation and needs, so please help us by being specific in your request, and let us know which specific curriculum from our store that you would like us to donate to you.
- Understand that this is a limited program. Usually we only give one curriculum to a family in any given year, but we have been known to give more than that on occasion especially if the family has many children of different ages. Please do not ask for one of everything or more than you need for right now – other people have needs as well, and we want to help as many people as we reasonably can.
- Know that this grant applies to the curriculum (aka a curriculum schedule) ONLY. We do NOT provide the books and other materials needed to complete the curriculum with the curriculum we sell, and we do not provide these extra materials with these donations. We simply cannot provide those books and materials in this program, YOU WILL HAVE TO SECURE ALL MATERIALS (BUT FOR THE SCHEDULE WE MAY DONATE) FOR YOURSELF.
- Please do not post about, link to, or advertise this program. We can only give out a limited number of donations during any given time period and if the demand were to become too great we would likely have to curtail or cancel this program – and we do not want to do that. If people find out about it as they peruse our website, we are happy to help, but our tiny business cannot support giving away our products on a large-scale basis.
- Do NOT share materials we donate to you with others. Just as with those who purchase our curriculum, you are bound by our licensing agreements and all other legal and copyright constraints. You are not allowed to use these materials outside your immediate household family.
- Most importantly, PAY IT FORWARD! You will not always and forever be in a dire financial situation. Things WILL get better. When you are back on your feet and are able to do so, we ask that you help someone, anyone else that you can. Maybe it is buying a bag of groceries for them and leaving it on their porch anonymously, maybe it is providing a night or two of free babysitting so a child’s mom and dad can get a much-needed evening to themselves, maybe it is an anonymous gift card mailed to another hurting person, maybe it is a little more generous offering to your church, maybe it is helping an elderly couple with housework, painting, or weeding, maybe it is…. Well you get the idea. WHEN YOU ARE BACK ON YOUR FEET and able to do so, please help someone else who is in need. You do not need to pay us back, but please do help someone else that can benefit from your generosity.
No matter what your situation we wish the best for you. We hope that your family will be able to pull itself up by its bootstraps and become financially whole in a short time. If our donation helps you do that, then we consider it a blessing for US to be able to do so, and we thank God for allowing us to help.
Please remember that after you are in a better financial position that others out there could really use your help too.
May God bless you and your household,
Charles & Jennifer Guest
We reserve the right to cancel this program at any time, for any reason, and without notice of any kind.
Our decisions are absolutely final.