Welcome to Guest Hollow, LLC!

We’re SO glad you’re here! Relax – you’re among friends! Get ready for a big change in your homeschool enjoyment level!

Guest Hollow, LLC is a beloved homeschool curriculum and materials creation company that prides itself on creating some of the most unique, outside-of-the-box, and genuinely FUN curriculum that you will ever have the pleasure of utilizing. We believe that homeschool is NOT supposed to mirror public school and therefore should be engaging, efficacious, and yes – even entertaining!

Guest Hollow, LLC is a true mom-and-pop business comprised of a husband and wife team who actually CARE about the homeschooling community and your personal success. You will see this not only in the curriculum itself – but also in our superior and genuinely helpful one-on-one customer service and support.

We also pride ourselves on the community we have developed and invite you to join us on our many Facebook groups which you can find here: https://www.facebook.com/guesthollow/groups

Join the Guest Hollow family and see what everyone has been talking about!

Are you interested in learning more about Guest Hollow, LLC behind the scenes, or about us personally? Click here.

Looking for the free online textbooks for world history, biology, geography, government, or the biology workbook? They are on our free items page.

If you want to see all the Guest Hollow goodies at a glance – Check out our site map! If you explore it, you may even uncover some “hidden” gems!

New items have been released!

Our two newest items have been released! Click on the graphics below to visit each item!

Little Kids' Early American History Curriculum
Beowulf's Early American History Adventure and Activity Book

Guest Hollow, LLC News and Announcements:

January 2025 – We have completed our big yearly link checks and quality control updates. There was a massive overhaul of the Science of Seasons Unit Study. It’s FREE – check it out!

10/21/2024 – We are working on Little Kids’ and Jr. Modern American History!

5/27/2024 – Little Kids’ Early American History has been released along with Beowulf’s Early American History Adventure and Activity Book. Now all your students from kindergarten through 12th grade can learn the same early American history topics family style! Save 15% with the new 3 level bundle!

2/13/2024 – Jr. Early American History has been released along with Beowulf’s Big Book of Early American History!

Wonderful Curriculum

Guest Hollow curricula are designed to capture and hold the attention of your students. They are stuffed full of great books, activities, videos, recipes, and more.  

Everything Guest Hollow creates is designed to free students from the traditional textbook approach and propel them into nurturing a true love of learning that will last a lifetime. We’ve taken our 20+ years experience homeschooling and designed curricula and materials that are flexible, informative, and fun!

Take a look at our free samples on each curriculum page and see for yourself why so many students and parents want to stick with the Guest Hollow style of learning!

Want to learn more about Guest Hollow’s innovative products?

Families love our award-winning curriculums!

Find out why students love Guest Hollow and how our subjects inspire a love for learning.

Guest Hollow makes learning fun for all ages with flexible schedules.

We have curricula for preschool through high school!

Check out our printables! We frequently add more to the list!

We have a variety of printables for sale and plenty of freebies as well!

Why choose Guest Hollow?

Kids who’ve disliked their other curriculum(s) love the switch to Guest Hollow! That’s the comment we have heard over and over again, and it’s no wonder. Guest Hollow’s non-traditional approach features curricula that not only make use of outstanding book selections, but also engage students with a plethora of activities, videos, recipes, and much more. We also schedule educational materials and printables designed to help make teaching and learning easier, while engaging both gifted and reluctant learners.

Nurturing a love of learning and an excitement about what may be around the next bend is our goal. With Guest Hollow, rather than begrudgingly having to endure tomorrow’s pre-programmed and totally predictable textbook page assignment, we hope to engender a sense of anticipation, and even an eagerness to “do school”.  We do this by keeping fresh and engaging material coming at your student through creatively scheduling a multiplicity of diverse materials and activities in our curriculum.  We have gotten anecdotal reports of some students expressing real disappointment that they have to ‘stop for the day’ and return to the curriculum tomorrow for the next lesson.  We count that as true success.

Take a look at our free samples on each curriculum page and see for yourself why so many students and parents want to stick with the Guest Hollow style of learning!

Photos of real families using Guest Hollow’s Curriculums:

Where We’ve Been & Where We Are Going in the Future

Guest Hollow has been around for many years, but up until a few years ago, we were just a hobby site devoted to sharing our love of homeschooling with tips and opinions.

We decided to throw ourselves fully into the homeschool materials business and were rewarded with copious amounts of customer accolades and surprising early success. In fact, we’ve repeatedly won numerous Practical Homeschooling’s Reader’s Choice Awards and we’ve been picked as one of homeschool luminary Cathy Duffy’s Top 103 picks!

Homeschool Award
Cathy Duffy's Top Picks Award

Thanks to our customers who spread the word about us, Guest Hollow, LLC is becoming better known and growing at an astounding rate. As both new and veteran homeschoolers all over the world discover our materials and see for themselves the impact that our curriculums have on their students, they have been kind enough to tell others about Guest Hollow. For that we are truly indebted and extremely appreciative.

2024 was a great year for new Guest Hollow material and that is going to continue in 2025!

We’ll announce what else we’re working on, soon!

We will continue expanding our curriculum selections, and we invite you to join the Guest Hollow family of learners during this exciting time. Maybe you will end up telling a few people about us too! 😀

If you would like to learn more about the history of Guest Hollow as a company and the couple that brings Guest Hollow to you, please visit our ‘About Us’ page:

We Really Do Care About YOU

We LOVE our customers, and we offer unprecedented extras and freebies in honor of God’s many blessings in our lives. You’ll notice our beloved and extensive online biology curriculum is absolutely FREE, and will always remain so, as a part of our ministry to the homeschool community.

Our curriculum customers love the fact that they get a printable curriculum schedule, as well as access to an online schedule in a more visual format, with easy access to internet links and videos.

We believe that life is more than just money and while Guest Hollow, LLC provides us the income we need for gas and food, we do not make money the foremost priority.

We price our materials so that they can be afforded by almost anyone, and we will continue to do so. We have people tell us regularly that we should charge more… and perhaps they are right, but it is important to us to keep things as affordable as we can.   We also offer quite a few free items on the site, including full length, interactive online textbooks.

In special circumstances we may choose to offer some of our normally for-cost Guest Hollow material for free, to a limited number of families who are suffering serious financial hardship on a case-by-case basis. If you are enduring severe financial hardships, please click here for more information.

We also have a blog where you can get hints and tips like the following which we turned into its own page:

Literature-based curriculum

How to Save Money When Using a Literature-Based Curriculum

Using a literature-based curriculum is one of the best ways (in my opinion) to engage students. It steers clear of boring textbooks, adds variety, and builds retention. While it may be one of the best ways to engage a student’s interest, it can also really engage your pocketbook! I homeschooled my children for 20+ years,[…]

Communicating and interacting with our customers is very important, so we also manage a number of Facebook pages where you can interact with other homeschoolers using or considering our products, interact with us, and ask questions or offer opinions to the community. Click here for a list of those Facebook pages and a list of places we interact on other social media outlets.

Of course, you can contact us directly at any time!

Guest Hollow, LLC may not be the most fancy-looking and flashy curricula and
homeschool product website out there, but our site is packed with love and a fresh way of creating materials that are different.

Why Not Let Us Be Part of Your Homeschooling Adventure?

Please look over our website and see if Guest Hollow’s approach is right for you and your family. We have a lot to offer, and we sincerely hope to have you join the Guest Hollow family.

Pinecone hedgehog