Guest Hollow, LLC has been blessed to win the hearts of many people and has won a few really incredible awards and reviews. Please read on to learn about some of the wonderful accolades we have received.
2024 We’ve won 8 awards!
2023 We won again!
2022 Eight Reader Awards from Practical Homeschooling Magazine
2021 Six Reader Awards from Practical Homeschooling Magazine
2020 Six Reader Awards from Practical Homeschooling Magazine
On June 15th 2020 we posted the following fantastic news on our website. We had won SIX Practical Homeschooling Magazine Reader Awards!
We won FIRST place in SIX categories in the Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards!
It is with a great sense of gratitude and deep honor that announces that we have been selected for not one, not three, not five, but SIX awards by the readers of Practical Homeschooling Magazine!
A few weeks ago, we received a surprise call from Mary Pride over at Practical Homeschooling Magazine. She was requesting an interview with us and some photos… She shared the AMAZING news, (news that we have had to keep under wraps for weeks), – that Guest Hollow’s WONDERFUL CUSTOMERS voted SIX of our curricula into FIRST PLACE in SIX categories for Practical Homeschooling Magazine’s Homeschooling Reader Awards! Receiving any ONE of these awards would be no small thing for ANY homeschool material producing company, but for a little literal mom-and-pop company like Guest Hollow to earn SIX?!?! Well, this is just way beyond what we would ever have expected, and we truly have YOU to thank for this!
As I have sometimes shared, Guest Hollow is such a tiny company that we do not even have an advertising budget. We rely completely on YOU, our customers, to let other people know that even exists! So imagine the utter jaw-dropping and giddy celebrations that happened here at the Guest Hollow home-office when we got Mary’s call!
We just cannot thank ALL OF YOU enough for believing in us enough to nominate Guest Hollow for these awards and for voting a multiplicity of Guest Hollow curricula into the FIRST PLACE slot of six awards!
Grab a copy of Practical Homeschooling Magazine’s Summer 2020 edition and open it up! I would like to direct your attention to page 12 where there is an article titled “Be Their Guest”. The article starts out with the sentences:“Guest Hollow came out of nowhere to be one of 2020’s biggest Reader Award Winners. “Why had we not heard about this company before, we wondered. So our publisher Mary Pride, tracked down Jennifer and Charles Guest to hear their story.”

Six of our items won first place!
Click here to subscribe to Practical Homeschooling via Amazon.
Again, we have all of YOU, our truly loyal customers, to thank for this. It is only because of YOU that Mary Pride at practical Homeschooling – learned about us. Indeed, almost all of our NEW customers have learned about us from YOU generously taking some time to share about with others online and elsewhere. So, would you like to know what it was that YOU voted Guest Hollow into winning? Well, we would humbly like to share with you that we swept some very important categories. And so without any more ado here is a list of the Practical Homeschooling Awards that we were selected to receive:
We tied for PRACTICAL HOMESCHOOLING’S ***FIRST PLACE*** AWARDS for ALL of the following Guest Hollow Materials:
GUEST HOLLOW’S HIGH SCHOOL AMERICAN HISTORY in the History Category of the Practical Homeschooling 2020 Reader Awards
BEOWULF’S GRAMMAR in the Grammar Category of the Practical Homeschooling 2020 Reader Awards
GUEST HOLLOW’S HIGH SCHOOL BIOLOGY in the High School Biology Category of the Practical Homeschooling 2020 Reader Awards
GUEST HOLLOW’S HIGH SCHOOL CONCEPTUAL PHYSICS in the High School Physics Category of the Practical Homeschooling 2020 Reader Awards
GUEST HOLLOW’S GEOGRAPHY COURSES in the Geography Category of the Practical Homeschooling 2020 Reader Awards
GUEST HOLLOW’S HIGH SCHOOL CHEMISTRY IN THE KITCHEN – in the High School Chemistry Category of the Practical Homeschooling 2020 Reader Awards
Again, we want to thank all of you for your support and we are totally humbled (and of course excited beyond belief) to have won so many first-place awards in the Practical Homeschooling 2020 Reader Awards. Thank you for being part of the Guest Hollow family.
Beowulf’s Grammar was reviewed by the Old Schoolhouse Magazine
“As we worked through the book, I couldn’t help but be amazed by the design of it. It’s colorful and the graphics are beautiful! Each concept was introduced simply, and in a way my kids could understand. With all the pictures, comics, and hand on activities my kids stayed engaged through the whole lesson. One of my favorite activities from the first part of the book was the “Noun Treasure Hunt.” My kids cut out a paper treasure box, designed by Jennifer, and throughout the day, wrote nouns they had encountered on the back of the “noun cards” that were part of the game. So simple and so effective! Nouns became something in their environment now, and not just an explanation from a book. Grammar is kept personable and relatable throughout all four parts of Beowulf’s Grammar.”
Check out the terrific review of Beowulf’s Grammar at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine’s website!
Cathy Duffy Reviewed Beowulf’s Grammar
Cathy Duffy reviewed Beowulf’s Grammar!
“Author Jennifer Guest’s goal is to make grammar more enjoyable for children to learn. For Beowulf’s Grammar, she has created a family that is featured throughout the book: siblings Abigail, Henry, and Grace plus the family dog, Beowulf. Lessons incorporate sentences and stories involving the family, all within the context of normal family life. The content is much more relatable for homeschooling families than the typical content of grammar books designed for classroom use. In addition, cartoons, colorful illustrations, fun graphics, cut-and-paste activities, games, puzzles, drawing activities, and occasional silliness make the course more appealing than traditional grammar courses.”
…so says Cathy Duffy Cathy who is best known as a curriculum specialist. Ms Duffy is the author of the two-volume Christian Home Educators’ Curriculum Manual where she researched curriculum and methodology for all subjects and all grade levels.
We are very pleased that Cathy said so many nice things about Beowulf’s Grammar and the attendant curriculum and workbook.
Cathy Duffy choose Guest Hollow Language Arts as one of her top picks!
Cathy’s 103 Top Picks book will be ready sometime in July 2022. You can read about us there when it’s released!
Read her original review of Guest Hollow’s Language Arts here!
Cathy Duffy Reviewed High School Geography & Cultures
Cathy thinks our geography course is “more interesting” than other geography courses for high school!
“Guest Hollow’s High School Geography and Cultures Curriculum is a 35-week course that can also be adapted for middle school students. The course has a unique design with a free online textbook that is used along with course materials that you purchase: a PDF workbook and a course schedule. You will also use a number of other books which you can buy or borrow, and you will probably want a globe and a world map.
Geography and cultures are the primary focus of the course, but it also has activities related to science (e.g., earth science, wildlife, and ecology), the fine arts, and language arts. If students read a sufficient number of the recommended fiction and non-fiction books, the course should also count as a part of a language-arts credit.”
Cathy Duffy Reviewed Science of the Seasons
“The Science of Seasons is a delightful study of the seasons written and illustrated by Jennifer Guest. It can be used for children in grades one through six, but it is probably ideal for the middle of that range.
The book is gorgeously illustrated in full-color. The book was written with Christian homeschooling children in mind, but it’s not heavily Christian. For example, in the presentation about celebrations that happen in the Spring, it begins with Mother’s Day and Easter, but it also mentions a few other celebrations within other cultures and religions. You will find a few references to God and a few Bible verses, and no discussion of evolution. Children in the illustrations are modestly dressed, but they interact like normal children rather than “perfect” children.”
Cathy Duffy Reviewed our High School American History
“Guest Hollow’s High School American History courses can be quite challenging if you use many of the recommended resources. However, the combination of resources presents a rich and multi-sided view of our country’s history that you can’t get from a single textbook. And the various activities, including those in the workbooks, provide solid documentation of learning. If parents take advantage of the flexibility suggested in the schedules, they can tailor courses to suit both the abilities and academic interests of students.”
Cathy Duffy Reviewed our High School Biology Curriculum
“The flexibility of this course makes it workable for a wide range of students, and the incorporation of videos, intriguing books, and lots of lab activities should keep it interesting. Its adaptability to present either a creationist or evolutionary point of view is an important feature, although it will work best for those choosing the creationist approach and using the Guest Hollow version of CK-12 Biology. Although it isn’t part of the course design, students would benefit from reading sections on creation and evolution from both textbooks and evaluating the evidence and interpretations.”