Can Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics be used by a non-Christian family? Religion is woven throughout this book with mentions of God and other Christian material. Please see my examples below to help you better make a decision about this book, and if it can work for your family.
I do NOT claim to mention every single instance of religious material. What one person considers religious, another may or may not. Preview this material yourself to make your own final decision.
Each chapter has small sections to read so I’ll mark the sections that have Christian content with an asterisk and bold text, as I skim through the material in a few chapters:
Chapter 1 – 15 pages (I’m putting how many pages are in the chapter, so you can see how many mentions of God or Christian content occur throughout by looking below and put that in perspective.)
Intro* – contains Christian content throughout
In the Beginning* (talks about creation)
Forming the World* – God mentioned throughout
Everything Matters
Matter Matters
Turn Up the Volume
Mass Matters
Density Matters
Buoyancy Basics
More on Matter
Luster Matters
Color May Matter
The Shape of Matter
Hardness Matters* – a brief mention of how the Bible says the streets in heaven are paved in gold in the first paragraph
Smell Matters
More Properties Matter
End of chapter material* – mention of how wonderful it is that God created different things, etc. in the first paragraph
Chapter 2 – 13 pages
Moving Matter
Moving Atoms
Solid Matter
Liquid Matter
Viscosity Values
Gas Matter
Expanding and Escaping Air
Gas to Liquid to Solid to Liquid to Gas
End of chapter material* – First paragraph gives God credit for creating matter
Chapter 3 – 19 pages
Building Blocks of Creation* – mentions that God has a fave building block (atoms) – in the 1st paragraph
Also mentions that when God created the earth, He made about 94 different elements in the 5th paragraph and other mentions about God (in that 5th paragraph)
Variety of Atoms* – 1st sentence mentions God creating atoms and elements (easily skipped)
Attaching Atoms* – 1st sentence mentions God knowing what elements to connect to make everything (easily skipped)
Atom Anatomy
Charged Up* – in 3rd paragraph it says, “There are so many things to discover about God’s world and all He made.” and the following sentence also mentions God.
Primary Positives
Neutral News
Electric Electrons
Electron Energy
Clouds, Shells, and Orbitals
Valence Valor* – in 3rd paragraph it says, “God created these to atoms to bond together…” (easily skipped)
The Periodic Table of Elements
Bonding Basics
End of chapter material
Chapter 4 – 20 pages
Compound Chemistry
Crystallized Creations* – Christian content in title: creations, in paragraph 8 mention of the verse “You are the salt of the earth” (3 sentences together that talk about that)
Subsection in the above chapter: Pressure and Perseverance – the entire paragraph is Christian and talks about pressure as mentioned in the Bible (James 1) – not necessary to read that paragraph to teach the lesson as it’s not science based but is about character.
Putty, Plastics, and Pencil Erasers
Acidic Acid* – in 3rd paragraph it says “Do you remember that most of the elements God created are metals? Acids can dissolve and corrode a lot of the elements God made.”
End of chapter material
I hope this helps to show how Christian content is interspersed throughout the book.