Science of Seasons Week 1

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Bible: The seasons
Language Arts: Quotation marks, writing comics with dialogue, copywork, writing ideas
Science: Making a science journal, Reading through The Science of the Seasons
Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5
Spine Books
The Science of SeasonsThe Science of SeasonsRead The Science of Seasons
p. 1-14
Note: Younger children may need you to read the book aloud to them as scheduled.
Older children can read the book in one sitting by themselves.
p. 15-28p. 29-36p. 37-44
The Science of Seasons Activity BookThe Science of Seasons Learn-and-Play Activitiesp. 1 Fill out your name!
p. 2 Make Your Own Comics
quotation marks
p. 4 Fill in the speech bubbles
p. 3 Cut out the shapes
p. 6 Make your own comic
Assign the other comic templates as desired.
p. 13-19
Cut out & construct the schoolroom playset, playset figures and first set of clothes. Option: Keep them set up in a schoolroom area.
p. 21 Copywork
Note: If you have the PDF version of the Science of Seasons Activities book, you will want a notebook to keep your child’s activity pages together. We always used plastic sheet protectors in our notebooks. We would put 2 pages in each plastic protector with the backs of the pages facing each other. At the end of our study, we had a nice “scrapbook” to look over and show family members!

Softcover users will want a notebook to store all the cutout pages.
Science Reading
Explore Spring!: 25 Great Ways to Learn About SpringExplore SpringRead the introduction.Make the science journal.
You will be starting the Explore Spring book this week. It is scheduled over the entire 13 weeks and covers a variety of topics. Even though the title says, “Explore Spring”, most of the experiments and activities can be done year-round and basic science concepts are covered.
You can just use a composition book for your child’s science journal. Don’t just limit it to the activities in the Exploring Spring book. Encourage your child to record any type of science observations in his book. A special incentive would be to provide a new box of colored pencils. I recommend Prismacolor for the quality. They are so much nicer for children to use than typical cheap school quality colored pencils.
Other Books
If You Were Quotation MarksIf You Were Quotation MarksRead today.
Art for Kids: Comic Strips: Create Your Own Comic Strips from Start to FinishArt for Kids: Comic StripsRead and/or browse this week. Use as desired.
Notebooking and Printables
Quotation marks worksheet
Requires a free Teachers Pay Teachers account.

Writing ideas:
Write a story or comic with dialogue.
Create a picture using speech bubbles for dialogue.
Create a worksheet about quotation marks and make the answer key.
Write a nature observation in the newly made science journal.
Explain how the sun is responsible for seasons (tell or write).
Copywork/handwriting: Copy a sentence from any of this week’s books.
Write one of your favorite seasonal memories.
Write a story about an animal in the spring (or another season).

Scholastic Teachables: There are tons of printables about the seasons. Click here to browse.
Click here for lots of quotation mark printables.
Writing: My Book About Seasons (You can easily adapt this for older kids by viewing the printable preview and making a similar booklet with more writing space).
Crafts and Activities
Macaroni quotation marks worksheet

Four Season Tree craft

Four Seasons Art Project
BibleBible lesson for older kids about the seasons
Bible lesson for younger kids about the seasons
VideoSeasons and the Sun: Crash Course Kids 11.1

Quotation Marks – Language Skills for Kids!
Bill Nye The Science Guy Season 1 Episode 15 Earth’s SeasonsYouTube: SciShow Kids: Why Are There Seasons?The Science of Spring! | SciShow Kids CompilationTED-Ed: The strangest summer in recorded history

OnlineMake your own comic online
*This is a fun activity, but it’s important for kids to do the one on paper as well to fire up different parts of the brain that are used for writing things by hand vs. typing or doing them online!

Note: You must create a free account to do this activity.

If a video isn’t working, please leave a comment below, and we’ll find a replacement!

Bill Nye the Science Guy – Seasons

2 thoughts on “Science of Seasons Week 1

  1. The video is unavailable

    1. Thank you SO much for letting us know!! I found the same video and linked it. 🙂

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