Science of Seasons Week 14

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Art: Winter tree art
Bible: Treasures under the snow
Language arts: my favorite holiday memories (writing), poem, Farmer Boy novel study, writing ideas
Literature: Farmer Boy
History: Snowflake Bentley
Science: animals in winter and hibernation
Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5
Spine Books
The Science of SeasonsThe Science of SeasonsHave your kids see if they can find the pages that match this week’s activities as they do them
The Science of Seasons Activity BookThe Science of Seasons Learn-and-Play Activitiesp. 113 Winter tree artp. 115 My Favorite Holiday Memoriesp. 116-117
1816 The Year Without a Summer
p. 118 My Poemp. 119 Recipe Cards

p. 121 Dot-to-dot
Science Reading
Snowflake BentleyOption 1: Snowflake Bentley
Read this week.
Curious About Snow (Smithsonian)Option 2: Curious About SnowRead this week.
Hiders Seekers Finders Keepers: How Animals Adapt in WinterHiders Seekers Finders Keepers: How Animals Adapt in WinterRead this week.
Other Books
Farmer Boy (Little House)Chapter 24Chapters 25-26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29 (End of book!)
Notebooking and Printables
Animals in winter lapbook (has some elements about migration you can use – save the rest for later)
Hibernation, Migration, Adaptation lapbook (also has some elements about migration you can use – save the rest for later)
Writing ideas:
Fill out some lapbook elements.
Copywork/handwriting: Copy any sentences from this week’s books.
Write a story for little children about a hibernating animal.
Think of 15 ways to describe snow. Write a list.
Research an animal that hibernates and write about it or create a poster or drawing of hibernating animals. Write facts on the poster.
Crafts and Activities
Choose a snow craft for kids.
BibleTreasures Under The Snow: A Winter Bible Lesson
Video“The Snowflake Man” (a short film about Snowflake Bentley)Why Do Some Animals Hibernate? | Winter Science | SciShow Kids
What is Hibernation? | Hibernation for Kids!
Nat Geo Animals: Which Animals Hibernate? | Animal AutofillTED-Ed: How does hibernation work?Land of Ice and Snow (Full Episode) | Wild Nordic 44m

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