Guest Hollow’s Botany Curriculum
Learn about plants and nature!
Welcome to Guest Hollow’s Botany Curriculum!
We think botany is an overlooked topic that gets shoved into a chapter of biology and then forgotten. Plants affect and enrich so many parts of our lives! Our houses and clothes are made of plant materials. We eat plants. We enjoy their beauty. They provide us with medicines, fuel, perfume, dyes, paper and a variety of other products. They are tied to history and even our future. They are an integral part of our lives!
This course is for any student who has a love for nature and plants. It’s also perfect as a pre-biology course (or post-biology!). Students will learn the science behind plants and to appreciate the myriad contributions plants make to our lives!
Prerequisites: None
Approximate Daily Time Commitment:
45 min. – 1 hour depending on activities that are chosen and reading speed
Guest Hollow materials are downloadable/online. There are no physical copies. | Already a customer? Go to “My Account” to log in and access your downloads and your online schedule membership. Need help logging in? Check out our help page. |
Grade Level / Age
Guest Hollow’s Botany Curriculum is suggested for:
● Grades 6-12
● Approximate ages
What You Get
Botany comes with:
✔ A printable PDF schedule
✔ An editable schedule in Microsoft Word format
✔ Access to an online version of the schedule*
*Access to the online version of Guest Hollow’s Botany Curriculum schedule is provided as a courtesy and is not guaranteed due to various potential circumstances.
I’d like to see the book & resource list!
Click here to see the required books and resources for Guest Hollow’s Botany Curriculum.
Observe nature with Guest Hollow’s Botany!
The goals for this homeschool botany course are:
Science students actually care about!
Guest Hollow’s Botany Curriculum
brings science to life.
Students get to immerse themselves in terrific books and videos while also having access to a buffet of activities like making chocolate, extracting DNA from strawberries, making an edible plant cell, dissecting xylem tubes, exploring geotropism, growing a sweet potato, making kimchee or sauerkraut, and much more!

Does this curriculum come with ____________?
✘ books?
No, you need to purchase the scheduled books separately. Learn more.
☑ a printable book list?
Yes. We provide a book list with a handy checklist to help you plan what you want to buy or borrow and in what format. We also let you know when each book is scheduled in, so you can arrange to check out books from the library before you need them!
☑ a schedule?
Yes. You get the same weekly schedule in 3 different formats: PDF, Microsoft Word, and online*. Just open it up and you are ready to learn!
*Access to the online version of the curriculum schedule is provided as a courtesy and is not guaranteed due to various potential circumstances on our end and yours including but not limited to various computer, device, and internet configurations.
☑ a supply list?
Yes. Most recipe ingredients and supplies are listed at the beginning of your schedule week-by-week.
✘ a teacher’s manual?
No. The botany curriculum schedule is all you need!
✘ tests?
No. There are no tests with this curriculum.
✘ a workbook?
No. We do link to plenty of free printables, though!

Click or tap to see a sample!
Take a look at a week of the online version of the schedule here.
Take a look at a sample of the printable schedule here:
Want to know how to use the Guest Hollow PDF Schedule or the editable Microsoft version of our schedule? Go here! (This page gives lots of insight as to how our schedules work!)
Have a question about printing your Guest Hollow schedule and materials? We cover that, too!
F.A.Q. for our Botany Curriculum
You’re invited!
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Reviews: See what our customers have to say!

If you’ve used Guest Hollow’s Botany Curriculum, we invite you to write a review and leave your thoughts about our curriculum. Scroll down to the review box below the following customer reviews. We look forward to seeing your feedback!
Brandie (verified owner) –
My daughters used this curriculum this year and really enjoyed it. They love the books that they read, and the video links. They had already spent a semester at our co-op doing work with fast plants, so we did not use that part. It has been a wonderful year thanks to Guesthollow.
Melody (verified owner) –
We used this curriculum three years ago, so this review is long overdue! But our girls STILL refer to some of the books that they read for this botany course in everyday conversation, and that only happens with Guest Hollow books in this house, which is why we keep coming back for more! As many homeschooling families will relate to, we were pretty lame about science up until high school (when Mom – that’s me – decided to get her act together!), so we did this as a pre-biology course, which we immediately followed by Guest Hollow biology the next year. It worked really well that way, and got all the topics to sink in much more thoroughly than they might have otherwise. It also very accidentally coincided with our household moving from the big city out into the sticks (job change) and I give this course a lot of credit for making the girls much more enthused than they would have been about putting in our own garden and raising and butchering our own chickens and rabbits. (Specifically, reading The Omnivore’s Dilemma. What a perfect book for us to encounter that year!!) The only minor point of concern that I would give to other moms planning to use this (which you definitely should!) is that this is a older Guest Hollow course, so it does not have a single easy-to-assemble workbook for homework assignments. There are of course lots of activities to do, but all the sheets are from various websites, so it takes more planning and prepping to use this than some of the other science courses offered here.
Jennifer Guest –
What an awesome review! Thank you so much for posting it! <3