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Learning a Foreign Language in Your Homeschool

Homeschool Foreign Language Programs

Do you plan on having your children study a foreign language in your homeschool? I’m learning Japanese, and it’s made me look back over my years of homeschooling and our attempts at learning different languages. I think learning a different language is an important skill that is often given a back burner in homeschools but[…]

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Drops Language Learning App Review

Drops Language Learning App

I recommend learning a foreign language while using our homeschool geography curriculum. A great app for language learning is Drops! I’ve personally used it to practice German and for learning Japanese. Drops is an addictive, colorful app that teaches you individual words. It’s not a full-fledged language program that deals with grammar and conversation, but[…]

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LingoDeer Review

Lingo Deer Language Learning App Review

I mentioned how I’m learning Japanese in a previous post about learning languages. I have tried just about every app in existence to see which one works best and have finally found one I absolutely LOVE based on a recommendation from one of my customers: LingoDeer!  To celebrate this terrific find and thanks to LingoDeer’s generosity, I’m hosting[…]

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Science Experiment: Extracting DNA from Strawberries

Extracting DNA science experiment

Extracting DNA from strawberries is a super-easy experiment with dramatic results. The supplies for the DNA experiment: 10 ml (2 tsp) dishwashing liquid (or shampoo without conditioner) – shampoo frees the DNA by disrupting the cell membranes. 90 ml (6 T) water 15 grams ( or 1/4 tsp) of salt (Salt allows the DNA to[…]