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We won 8 Readers Choice Awards!

Guest Hollow's award winning curriculums

Guest Hollow Curriculums Wins EIGHT Practical Homeschooling Magazine’s Reader Awards !!!!!!

…and we have you to thank for it!
(An unanticipated celebration sale may just be mentioned herein 😉 )

We have been just busting at the seams wanting to share this astounding news with you! 

Today, we are able to reveal that back in April we received a letter from Mary Pride the publisher of Practical Homeschooling Magazine that, for the THIRD YEAR IN A ROWGuest Hollow’s Curriculum have walked away with numerous FIRST PLACE AWARD CERTIFICATES in the Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards!!!

You can cut to the chase and scroll down to see the EIGHT curriculum that won these awards if you like, but we simply MUST take a moment here to express our deepest gratitude to those of you who not only nominated Guest Hollow materials for these prestigious awards but also those of you who were so very kind to VOTE for us as your favorite curriculum in the many categories that we won!

We truly have YOU to thank for this!

Guest Hollow is a literal two-person mom-and-pop company with literally NO advertising budget and as we have said over and over it is only through the support, help, and grace of our customers that we can create this curriculum and get it into willing and happy hands.  You have proven this to be true once again with your support and votes with the Reader’s Choice awards.

One or more of you had to have nominated us for each award, and a very large number of you had to have voted to bring this honor to us for the third year in a row. We just cannot thank you enough…  The letter Practical Homeschooling Magazine sent us on April 5th says it better than I can. It reads, in part, as follows:

Dear Guest Hollow,
Congratulations! Thousands of homeschoolers have cast their votes and Guest Hollow, LLC has been voted as a winner in our 2022 Reader Awards!
A Practical Homeschooling Reader Award is the highest honor the homeschool community can bestow.  The winners are the products that receive the highest ratings from satisfied users. […]
Again, congratulations, […]
Mary Pride Publisher

Included with the Ms. Pride’s letter were award certificates for each Guest Hollow curriculua that had been chosen.  An even bigger surprise and honor was that ALL the certificates were FIRST PLACE WINNER awards

It is my understanding that, in fact, Guest Hollow won in EVERY category that it was nominated in. We are speechless!

You guys have absolutely made our year!  THANK YOU for voting for us, and particular thanks goes to those that nominated us in the first place!  We just cannot express how overjoyed we are that we have won again. We are extremely grateful and consider ourselves very blessed to have Guest Hollow family members like you. We literally could not make it without you on our side.

We also want to take a moment to thank our very loyal customers who have shared about Guest Hollow within your circles on social media, at play dates, within co-ops, and everywhere else you have told even just one person.  Again, if it was not for your recommending our curriculum to others, we would not be able to make it.  We are exceedingly grateful and in your debt.  Thank you… thank you very much!

One final note before I list all the awards we just won.  We were not going to have another sale before sometime in the Fall, but we decided last night that this was such an honor, and such a thrill, that we just had to celebrate a little.

In honor of winning EIGHT FIRST PLACE READER’S CHOICE AWARDS, we are going to give you all ten percent (10%) off of any orders you make through next Saturday – May 11, 2022. (This allows for 2 paydays 🙂 – yes – we know what it’s like 🙂  

To get the ten percent off any of the Guest Hollow materials in our store, simply put in the following coupon code at checkout:

…and you will receive the discount on every item that you can put in your cart at

Please consider spreading the word around about our good fortune!  If you are on Facebook, you can find a link to this story here – please like and share it from there as well as from here.

On Instagram, you can find us here:
Of course, we will make mention of this on our awards page as well.

So, with deepest appreciation, I’d like to share with you what you have done for us.  Again, THANK YOU!

The following EIGHT Guest Hollow curricula received FIRST PLACE Reader’s Choice awards:

* Guest Hollow’s Beowulf’s Grammar Workbook won FIRST PLACE in the Grammar category of the 2022 Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards! – (It also won first place in 2020 and won first place in 2021!)
(If you would like a curriculum that uses Beowulf’s Grammar as a spine (main textbook) please have a look at Guest Hollow’s Language Arts )

* Guest Hollow’s High School Conceptual (Math-Free) Physics won FIRST PLACE in the High School Physics category of the 2022 Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards! – (It also won first place in 2020 and won first place in 2021!)

* Guest Hollow’s High School Chemistry in the Kitchen won FIRST PLACE in the High School Chemistry category of the 2022 Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards! – (It also won first place in 2020 and won first place in 2021!)

* Guest Hollow’s High School Biology won FIRST PLACE in the High School Biology category of the 2022 Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards! – (It also won first place in 2020 and won first place in 2021!)

* Guest Hollow’s Guest Hollow’s High School American History won FIRST PLACE in the History category of the 2022 Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards!
* Guest Hollow’s High School American History – Year ONE – (It also won first place in 2020 and won third place in 2021!)
* Guest Hollow’s High School American History – Year TWO – (It also won first place in 2020 and won third place in 2021!)
– Guest Hollow’s American History Bundle link:

Guest Hollow’s ‘Geography Courses’ won FIRST PLACE in the Geography category of the 2022 Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards
* Guest Hollow’s High School Geography & Cultures Curriculum – (It also won first place in 2020 and won first place in 2020!)
* Guest Hollow’s Jr. Geography Curriculum  – (It also won first place in 2020 and won first place in 2021!)

Practical Homeschooling Magazine Awards Page:

Guest Hollow’s Facebook Page:

Again, we want to thank you all very much for this honor! 
Charles & Jennifer Guest
Guest Hollow, LLC

PS: We are working on another new curriculum RIGHT NOW that we think will blow the socks off of even the curricula listed above!  Stay tuned!  😉   

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