Guest Hollow Language Arts Curriculum
Guest Hollow Language Arts books
Click to see the necessary books and resources for Language Arts.

Guest Hollow’s Language Arts Curriculum

Guest Hollow’s Language Arts is an engaging language arts curriculum that is designed to encourage and inspire students to love language arts. Our language arts curriculum contains customizable elements to make a great fit for all types of learners and approaches language arts subjects through diverse and colorful resources instead of a pile of boring workbooks.

We’ve been told over and over that students who previously did not enjoy writing and other language arts studies are now asking to do Guest Hollow Language Arts at the beginning of the day with enthusiasm and smiles!

Prerequisites: The ability to read and write at approximately a 2nd grade level
Approximate Daily Time Commitment:
30 min. – 1.5 or 2 hours a day depending on the amount of activities and books chosen and the age of the student


Guest Hollow materials are downloadable/online. There are no physical copies.
Already a customer? Go to “My Account” to log in and access your downloads and your online schedule membership. Need help logging in? Check out our help page.

Grade Level / Age

Guest Hollow’s Language Arts Curriculum is suggested for:
● Grades 2-6
● Approximate ages

What You Get

Guest Hollow’s Language Arts comes with:
✔ A printable PDF schedule
✔ An editable schedule in Microsoft Word format
✔ Access to an online version of the schedule*

*Access to the online version of Guest Hollow’s Language Arts Curriculum schedule is provided as a courtesy and is not guaranteed due to various potential circumstances.

I’d like to see the book & resource list!

Click here to see the required books and resources for Guest Hollow’s Language Arts Curriculum.

Why choose Guest Hollow’s Language Arts Curriculum?

Our language arts schedule is a little different than most homeschool language arts curricula in a variety of ways. Some of the key differences:

  • It can be used for a variety of ages and grades, from grade 2 through grade 6. This means you can teach multiple students at once without having to use (or pay for) multiple language arts programs!
  • It uses literature and a variety of books to teach concepts rather than tons of boring workbooks.
  • It’s flexible, so you aren’t locked into a set of books that doesn’t work for your student.
  • Tried-and-true traditional methods are incorporated in the program mixed with fresh and fun new ways of learning things to reach a variety of learners – from the gifted to the reluctant!

Love language arts!

We’ve hand-picked books your students will love.

Our language arts curriculum schedules in fiction and non-fiction books that will ignite your student’s love for all facets of language arts.

Videos add a visual and sometimes musical component.

We scour YouTube to find the best educational videos to make language arts concepts come to life!

We work hard to engage ALL types of learners.

You’ll find a buffet of projects and hands-on activities you can pick-and-choose from to help your students retain what they are learning!

Students and parents love Guest Hollow!

Our customers have shared over and over how Guest Hollow curricula has changed their homeschool and sparked a love for learning!

Click on a tab to find out more!


We’ve scheduled in Beowulf’s Grammar as the grammar *spine for our language arts curriculum. 
*A spine book is used as the backbone of a study.

Beowulf’s Grammar must be purchased separately! Students LOVE Beowulf’s Grammar. We’ve never seen parents and students rave and gush about a grammar program as they do with Beowulf’s Grammar!

We’ve also scheduled in colorful and fun books, videos, songs, and more to help students relate to the concepts they are learning and to help build retention. Grammar has never been this fun!


The writing portion of this schedule is intended to be a fit for both reluctant and enthusiastic writers. We’ve had to teach both types of students during our 20+ years of homeschooling and have used our experiences to design a program that is gentle, and steers clear of the usual and more structured type of resources. We’ve put together a very relaxed year of writing with activities designed to take pressure off of students, and to instead slowly nurture a comfortable relationship with pen and paper! This year’s writing instruction can be tailored to a variety of ages and abilities.

Some writing topics covered this year:

  • Copywork and dictation
  • Narration
  • Sentence writing
  • Journaling
  • Letter writing
  • Creative writing
  • Poetry
  • Story components (setting, characters, plot, conflict, etc.)
  • Dialogue
  • Opinion essays
  • Writing a research report
  • Creating comics
  • Similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia
  • Writing and performing a puppet show
  • And more!

Handwriting also isn’t specifically scheduled, but it’s an optional component that can be added in easily. The scheduled copywork and dictation exercises are a good opportunity to practice handwriting!

Check out the resource list for our handwriting practice suggestion. Instructions for this addition are included in the schedule. A drawing book is added in to help students work on the fine motor skills necessary for good penmanship.


For spelling we’ve scheduled in two choices.

The first choice is a classic book that uses dictation and copywork as a teaching method instead of employing the busywork found in many other spelling programs. Don’t be fooled though, this is not just a spelling book! It’s an important component to this year’s writing and grammar instruction. While using this book your student will:

  • Learn spelling quickly and easily!
  • Be trained to picture sentences in his mind (via dictation exercises)
  • Build a greater attention span
  • Practice the mechanics of writing, grammar, and punctuation
  • Practice proper sentence structure and emulate quality writing
  • Have the opportunity to practice penmanship (optional)

Students will also get to play some fun spelling games!

The 2nd choice uses the Orton-Gillingham approach to spelling and is mastery-based. This approach focuses on why words are spelled the way they are by teaching phonograms, rules, and spelling patterns. It’s also multisensory with visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements.


This section of the schedule introduces students to poets, poetry, and memorization skills. Poetry is an often overlooked and important component to a language arts curriculum! We’ve included a few articles for you to read (linked in the schedule) to understand the life-long benefits of reading and memorizing poetry.


Students will learn vocabulary while learning Greek and Latin roots. When a student learns a root, he can more easily figure out the meanings of unfamiliar words! The scheduled Word Roots books will add hundreds of words to your students’ vocabulary and greater depth to their thinking and writing.

Students will also learn how to play Rummy Roots, a favorite game of many homeschoolers!

Reading & Literature

Students are exposed to some terrific and memorable stories that your family will remember for years to come. Reading is approached through a method designed to get students to LOVE reading and to curl up with good books not because they have to, but because they want to!

Our program doesn’t cover phonics, but gives suggestions in the instructor’s guide and the resource list for those of you who have students who still need to cover some phonics instruction. Phonics can be easily added in with an additional 5-10 minutes a day.

Our program is so flexible! You can add or remove any of the components to make every facet of language arts work for your student(s)!

Squirrel asking a question

No, you need to purchase the other scheduled language arts books separately. Learn more.

a printable book list?
Yes. We provide a book list with a handy checklist to help you plan what you want to buy or borrow and in what format. We also let you know when each book is scheduled in, so you can arrange to check out books from the library before you need them!

a schedule?
Yes. You get the same weekly schedule in 3 different formats: PDF, Microsoft Word, and online*. Just open it up and you are ready to learn!

*Access to the online version of the curriculum schedule is provided as a courtesy and is not guaranteed due to various potential circumstances on our end and yours including but not limited to various computer, device, and internet configurations.

a supply list?
No. Supplies for this curriculum are things commonly found at home such as scissors, crayons, glue, etc.

a teacher’s manual?
No. The language arts schedule is all you need! However, Beowulf’s Grammar (which is scheduled in for grammar instruction and purchased separately) does come with an optional teacher’s manual.

No. There are no tests with this curriculum.

a workbook?
No. You must purchase Beowulf’s Grammar (which is scheduled in for grammar instruction) separately. You also get access to The Modern Speller for FREE via a link (but we don’t provide it via our website).

Gallery of Photos From Real Families Using Guest Hollow’s Language Arts:

Guest Hollow homeschool curriculum sample

Click or tap to see a sample!

Take a look at a week from the online version of the schedule here

Take a look at a sample of the printable schedule here:

Want to know how to use the Guest Hollow PDF Schedule or the editable Microsoft version of our schedule? Go here! (This page gives lots of insight as to how our schedules work!)

Have a question about printing your Guest Hollow schedule and materials? We cover that, too!

F.A.Q. for Guest Hollow’s Homeschool
Language Arts Schedule

This curriculum can be used for grades 2 through 6. This means you can teach multiple students at once without having to use (or pay for) multiple language arts programs!

Adapting the spelling program for your child’s level:

The Modern Speller (scheduled in for copywork, dictation, writing practice, and spelling) has different levels available for FREE.

Pick a section of the book you think matches your student’s ability and read some of the words out loud to him. Have him write the words down as you say them. When he starts misspelling more than a few, you’ve probably found where he should start in the book.

Working with younger or reluctant students

Younger students may need more direction and involvement from you. You may want to allow younger or reluctant writers to dictate some of their stories and writing assignments to you. You may also want to do more (or all) of the books as read-alouds. Additional ideas on how to use the curriculum with various types of learners are included at the beginning of the printable schedule.

While Beowulf’s Grammar is a stand-alone grammar program that can be used by itself, it is also scheduled in our language arts curriculum as a grammar “spine.” It’s used to teach grammar. Beowulf’s Grammar covers all eight parts of speech as well as parts of a sentence and other grammar concepts like punctuation.

Guest Hollow’s Language Arts Curriculum is exactly that… a full curriculum schedule. Guest Hollow’s Language Arts Curriculum covers a variety of language arts subjects like grammar, writing, literature, poetry, spelling, copywork & dictation, and vocabulary. Beowulf’s Grammar is scheduled in Guest Hollow Language Arts as a resource to teach grammar (along with other fun books and literature).

You do NOT need Guest Hollow’s Language Arts to use Beowulf’s Grammar. You do need Beowulf’s Grammar in order to use Guest Hollow’s Language Arts.

No. Beowulf’s Grammar is a resource we schedule into Guest Hollow’s Language Arts Curriculum just like many of the other books and resources. You have to purchase it separately.

No problem! Guest Hollow’s Language Arts Curriculum is so flexible! You can add or remove any of the components to make every facet of language arts work for your student(s)!

For example, if you have a spelling program you like better than The Modern Speller, just skip the Modern Speller assignments and plug in your spelling program instead. The same applies to the other language arts subjects and books.

Use what works best for you and mix-and-match as necessary or desired.

There are 33 weeks in this curriculum.

How long do I use Guest Hollow’s Language Arts?

Guest Hollow’s Language Arts is designed to be used for one year, although some families use it over 2 years.

What do I use after finishing Guest Hollow’s Language Arts?

We plan on creating more levels of language arts in the future. In the meantime, we don’t have any specific recommendations for other language arts programs. Some customers have moved on to use resources such as:

We do not endorse any of the resources listed here. They are shared for informational purposes only.

We are Christians, but Guest Hollow’s Language Arts Curriculum is not intended to be a “Christian resource”. However, there may be infrequent (or what we consider to be) minor references or links to resources that mention Christian ideas, values, or sectarian topics even in our secular/non-religious/neutral curriculums.

If we schedule in a Christian book, we try to give you notice of such in the books and resources page.

Christians and non-Christians should preview the scheduled books and all other resources such as videos, etc. to make sure they are compatible with your beliefs, philosophies, and values.

You can keep your files forever, if you save your initial download!

Once you’ve downloaded the schedule to your computer or device, you are licensed to use the downloaded copy forever. Make sure you download, save, and back up your items immediately after your purchase! You can click directly on the links in the schedule from a computer or other device and can use your materials with younger students years later.

2 Years to Access Additional Downloads & the Online Schedule*

Additional downloads (after your initial purchase) and access to the online version of the schedule are provided as a courtesy and are not guaranteed due to various potential technical and business (and life!) circumstances. It is our intention to continue to provide access for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase. After the 2-year period, you will have the opportunity to repurchase your access at a substantial discount.

Please note, if you have problems, we have a liberal policy of providing extra, free access for unusual circumstances (at our discretion). Just contact us:

*Access to the online version of the curriculum schedules and additional downloads is provided as a courtesy and is not guaranteed due to potential various circumstances on our end and yours including but not limited to various computer, device, and internet configurations.

Yes, on a case-by-case basis depending on the amount of paperwork they require and the bureaucracy that needs to be navigated. 😉

No, you may NOT resell, share, or distribute any of Guest Hollow’s digital products (or printed out copies of our digital products) which includes but is not limited to schedules, workbooks, printables, and other materials.

Our materials are licensed for a single family’s use only. You may print out as many copies as you reasonably need for siblings or others living in your home.

Please contact us if you wish to use our materials in a co-op or school:

Yes, but every family in a co-op needs to purchase a copy of our materials (one item per family). We offer a co-op discount. Contact us for information about the discount.

Schools need to contact us for school pricing and payment options.

Contact us at:

No. We only offer a digital version at this time. You can print out your materials at home or have them printed via a printing service.

Please see the F.A.Q. on the Language Arts Books and Resources page.

After purchasing a curriculum, you’ll see that the item you just bought shows that it is discounted 50% in our store. The reason you are seeing this is because we give you the opportunity to repurchase the schedule and your downloads at a substantial discount before they expire (2 years from date of purchase).

Please note: You do NOT need to repurchase your schedule in order to use the files you originally purchased and downloaded. You can use your downloaded schedule forever and can click on the links just as you can the online version of the schedule. You just won’t have access to any updates after your online access expires.

Why does access expire? Every year we go through all our curriculum schedules and update broken links and/or replace books that have gone out of print. This is a very time-intensive process that keeps our curricula up-to-date. Your repurchase helps fund this process and provides you with a schedule that has all the new additions or changes.

You need to repurchase your access BEFORE it expires in order to get the 50% discount due to the way our “membership” software works. If for some reason you miss the deadline, let us know why. We may give you a coupon code for the 50% off at our discretion. ????

*It is our intention to provide access for a period of 2 years, however, access to the online version of the curriculum schedules and additional downloads is provided as a courtesy and is not guaranteed due to potential various circumstances on our end and yours including but not limited to various computer, device, and internet configurations.

We are happy to answer your questions!!! Just email us at:

Click or tap the button to join our Facebook groups! You can get additional questions answered, see pictures of students’ projects, get help and encouragement from other homeschoolers, or browse through the multitude of posts to get a feel for our products and see what real people think of Guest Hollow!

Like what you see? Join the Guest Hollow family, and add Guest Hollow’s Language Arts Curriculum to your cart!

If you’ve used Guest Hollow’s Language Arts, we invite you to write a review and leave your thoughts about our curriculum. Scroll down to the review box below the following customer reviews. We look forward to seeing your feedback!

5 reviews for Guest Hollow’s Language Arts Curriculum

  1. Christa Farmer (verified owner)

    I have loved this program! My son is in the 7th grade and struggles with SPD issues. This is the first time I’ve seen him engaged in and enjoying a language arts program. The assignments provide enough of a blend of visual, hands on, and written work that I feel it reinforces what is being taught very well. We have skipped over a few of the books that seemed a little ‘young’ for him. But most of the books work great no matter the age (I still love a good picture book!) He has enjoyed this so much that we’re looking at other GH curricula for his future! Thanks Guest Hollow!

  2. Lacy S. (verified owner)

    This is the most amazing, fun, and thorough language arts program I have ever come across, and I am a curriculum junkie! The book choices are phenomenal, there’s plenty of hands on activities, and there’s so much to choose from it’s a huge feast! My only regret is not finding this sooner for my oldest. For my youngest I will be using this for her 5th-6th grade years. That will give us plenty of time to go through everything and savor it!

  3. Groovy 1 (verified owner)

    This program is amazing! We used it for my older daughter starting in second grade. It was a huge hit! It is such an incredibly thorough program that we ended up using it two years in a row. Some of the pieces we didn’t use the first year, but did the second year like From the Roots Up. Other things we skipped entirely, like poetry. My daughter really enjoyed the art pieces that were part of the program. We ended up using all four of the books of The Illustration School series through both years. My daughter now writes and illustrates stories for fun, and it is directly because of this program. I really can not thank you enough for this absolutely stunning program!

  4. Shawna Koch (verified owner)

    I have been absolutely amazed at this curriculum! I have a 4th grader who is 9 , wants to be moving nonstop, and his least favorite part of the day is school. He has done so well with the Language Arts program. We have definitely made it our own (we add novels) but the resources, books, and options of assignments have been amazing! The curriculum has a way of turning boring concepts into fun, interactive learning. Don’t get overwhelmed just start using it and you’ll figure out what works for you! I was so hesitant to try this and I am so glad I gave it a chance.

  5. Jacqueline Ridge (verified owner)

    Incredible, incredible, incredible! This curriculum took my 8&10-year-old kiddos from complaining when I pulled out LA books (and sometimes even crying!) to cheerful, excited, and curious learners, eager to jump into another day of fun with Beowulf. My eldest adores the time capsule and her young sister can’t wait for the drawing prompts, but they both like just about everything with this program. No two days are the same, which is a major plus for my family. We learn together and it’s full of laughter and running away on various tangents to dig deeper into something that catches their attention. We will be Guest Hollow users for the rest of our homeschool days. Thank you for making our homeschool life SO MUCH BETTER!

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Don’t forget Beowulf’s Grammar!