4 Seasons Mini Science Book
This is a truncated, secular (with nothing to offend creationists) version of our Science of Seasons book. Get the full version here!
This mini-book teaches students the science behind the seasons. Print, cut, and staple the pages together to read about the following topics:
- The earth and its orbit around the sun
- The spring and winter equinox
- The solstices
- Why we have day and night
- The perihelion and aphelion
- How the sun changes the earth’s temperature
- Direct and indirect light and heat from the sun
- The sun’s changing path in the sky
- The Northern and Southern Hemispheres
- The climate at the equator
- Characteristics of the seasons and when they occur
Every page is lovingly hand-illustrated in a hybrid comic-storybook style, with helpful pictures to demonstrate the science concepts.
You get this mini-book in TWO sizes. The smaller book has 4 pages per printed page to cut out. The larger book has 2 pages per printed page. Pick which one is right for you. 🙂 Each book has 21 pages.
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