Science of Seasons Week 7

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Art: making paper, bird related crafts (that are science-related)
Bible: Rain go away (story & lesson)
Language arts: copywork, writing ideas, The Secret Garden novel study
Literature: The Secret Garden
Science: condensation (rain in a jar experiment), water cycle, observing birds, spring, flying paper airplanes
Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5
Spine Books
The Science of SeasonsThe Science of SeasonsHave your kids see if they can find the pages that match this week’s activities as they do them.
The Science of Seasons Activity BookThe Science of Seasons Learn-and-Play Activitiesp. 54-55 Spring coloring pagep. 56 Copywork
p. 57 Dot-to-dot
p. 58 Mazep. 59-61 Spring playset and clothesp. 63 Rain in a jar experiment
Science Reading
Explore Spring!: 25 Great Ways to Learn About SpringExplore SpringActivity: Make Your Own PaperRead Chapter 4: Animals on the Move
Activity: Who Is the Early Bird?
A New Beginning
Look Up! Bird-Watching in Your Own BackyardRead this week.
National Geographic Kids Bird Guide of North America, Second EditionIf you get this book, encourage your children to reference it throughout the year! Beautiful photographs illustrate this very informative book that features 100 species of birds from coast to coast.
Other Books
Option 1: The Secret GardenChapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17
Option 2: The Secret Garden (Classic Starts)Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15
Notebooking and Printables
Draw, Write, Now lesson: Robin
Push the next button in the product slideshow to see the drawing instructions.
Backyard birds lapbook
Do whichever parts of this that interests you over the course of the week.
Birds of prey lapbook

Free bird themed printables– A huge list to choose from!
Free bird posters

Bird coloring pages
Bird nature study flashcards – You may want to print out a couple of these for students to write facts on the back of the cards.

Easy Peanut Butter Bird Treats

Writing ideas:
Fill out lapbook materials.
Copywork/handwriting: Choose any sentences from this week’s books to copy. Christians, do the Bible verse copywork linked in the Bible section.
Research and write about a bird of your choosing (or make and label a poster).
Write a story about being able to communicate with a bird. What information and secrets does it come and tell you?
Write a recipe for homemade bird food or a bird treat.
Keep a list of birds that come and visit your feeder or bird treats.

Scholastic Teachables:
From Water to Rain: An Earth Science Journaling Activity
The Water Cycle: Interactive Science Wheel
What Are Birds? Interactive Science Wheel
Bird mobile
Click here for lots of other bird related printables.
Crafts and Activities
I recommend you get a bird feeder and put it up. It will take a little while for the birds to find it, but once they do, they will be a fun addition to your yard or porch. We also added a birdbath and get feathered visitors year-round. They have been such a source of joy and interest to our family.
If you live in one place long enough to observe seasons, your kids will be able to observe seasonal visitors to your feeder as well as “regulars”. We’ve seen baby birds raised in our backyard and have even had the same birds visit every year to raise their young nearby. Having a bird feeder in your yard is a terrific way to observe all sorts of birds over the year!

The bird paper airplane
How to Make a Paper Bird Flyer
Balancing bird toy
BibleRain go away

Do Not Worry Bird Craft for Kids

Bible verse coloring page and copywork (Scroll down to access the printables.)
VideoNational Geographic Hummingbird Heaven

TED-Ed: The surprising secrets of hummingbird flight

BIRDS Names and Sounds 19m
Untamed Hummingbird Battleground

TED-Ed: Why can parrots talk?
All About Robins

TED-Ed: The surprising reason birds sing *This video mentions evolution briefly.
Thousands of Cranes Take Flight

How Do Animal Wings Work? | The Science of Flight | SciShow Kids
Let’s Go Bird Watching! | SciShow Kids Compilation 21m

OnlineCheck out the global backyard bird count. You will help scientists around the world!

Download a bird identification app and use it throughout the year. Here is one we’ve used: Merlin Bird ID

This video mentions evolution briefly:

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